Our Process:
We let visitors feel your passion by hearing from you why you think each object is fascinating. Tell us as if you are telling a friend, not as if you are telling an expert in your field. We will then pick out the parts that the visitors will respond to, and make exhibit recommendations to emphasize them. We come up with ideas that will best serve you and your collection.
What We Won’t Do:
We will not recommend flashy, frivolous or shallow exhibits. We will also not advocate spending tons of money. We won’t even recommend dioramas, unless they are a good fit for your collection, your concept or your budget.
What We Will Do:
We will show you ways to improve your existing exhibits. We will always recommend something that leads to “Aha!”. Actually, we will recommend multiple things that lead to “Aha!”.
The point is, we help you present your cool stuff in a way that shows visitors why you are passionate about this collection.
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